Our Services

Urban rehabilitation is the core of what we do. We aim at creating balanced spaces where the contemporary coexists with the traditional,
while introducing a high degree of technical precision in our work. We are specialized in four areas:
Rehabilitation Works
Architecture + Specialty Projects
Monitoring And Consultancy
Furniture And Interior Design

The Architect


Alzira Leão

Architect & CEO


"Architecture: inserting contemporary elements in traditional pieces, while respecting and enhancing their original form."

Alzira Leão began her architecture studies at the School of Fine Arts in
Porto (Portugal). However, it was in the Faculty of Architecture of Lisbon
(FA) that her studies were finished, graduating in 1986 as an Architect.

The interest for the areas of Rehabilitation and Habitation propelled Alzira
to pursue a Post-Graduation in Rehabilitation and a Master’s Degree in Habitation, respectively in the School of Art Technologies of Coimbra and
in the Faculty of Architecture of Lisbon. Later on, Alzira became Teaching Assistant of “Constructions” and “Project IV” courses at the FA.

Alzira Leão's philosophy of intervention is a minimalist one: restore what
can no longer be used while incorporating contemporary elements to
what is to be changed. This approach leads to the development of new architectural concepts, always shaped and refined by a long experience in the execution of projects and works.